The Best “Secret” Pool at Baha Mar, Bahamas

We were fortunate last year in February right before Covid-19 hit to to travel to the Bahamas where we stayed at the beautiful resort, Grand Hyatt Baha Mar.

With its numerous glorious pools, we were able to put our poolside relaxation skills to the test.

Our favorite was a gorgeous, tucked away separate pool setting called Baha Bay Beach Club. Can I let you in on this little secret?

This was quieter and more luxurious than the main grouping of pools. I did not see any signs that indicated that it was adult only but no children were at this area of the resort during our stay. (Families were drawn to the swim through cave pool and some other zero entry pool options on site. ) There were no extra fees and many guests were unaware of this option.

When the time is right if you travel to the Bahamas and stay at Baha Mar, I would highly recommend you spend some of your designated pool moments here.

Let me tell you how to get to the club.

Make your way down past all the main pools until you get to the walkway that goes along the beach. Turn left and walk past the airstream food trucks. You will pass the long dock on your right.

Keep bearing left along the walkway that follows the beach.

You will see this sign.

The pool opens at 10:00am and a queue forms at the gate about 30 minutes before. Trust me it is worth the wait.

Once open, you are escorted in groups down this boardwalk to your chair/daybed area. It is first come, first serve (except for the private cabanas which are reserved for a fee).

This has to be one of the most exquisite resort infinity pool settings I have ever seen. 

The Baha Bay Beach Club is sort of a multi-level man made bluff that offers a large selection of places to relax that you wouldn’t find at many typical resorts.

The private cabanas are high atop a rocky ledge interspersed with waterfalls that spill into small cooling pools with these sexy loungers.

Down below are several levels of individual lounge chairs.

They overlook a massively wide infinity pool that visually melts into the beautiful turquoise ocean water below.

There are more in-the-water lounge chairs along the front edge and a few in-pool daybeds that were highly coveted.

We  found our own little area and we came back here the next day and claimed the same spot. I will tell you where it is.

If you keep walking down the boardwalk with your staff escort, you will see a small grouping of green double daybeds in a little sandy area. 


Now THIS is how you will feel underneath those swaying palm trees.

Our hideaway spot was close to the 24 Degree North restaurant, both pools and the restrooms. (There is a second smaller infinity pool in the club.) I thought our location gave us better chair service for food and drinks and makes it easier to take cool dips in the pool.

One service we did appreciate were the complimentary small amounts of sunblock available at the towel huts throughout the resort. Feel free to ask!

On an important side note, the restrooms at Baha Mar were immaculate. They were constantly being cleaned, and this was before the Covid crisis. They surpassed my highest Humble Huntress standards for beach resort pool bathrooms. I also noticed how large they were with plenty of grab bars and handicapped accessible showers. Guests with mobility issues would be very accommodated.

The restaurant setting was perfect and had stunning ocean views.

This restaurant had one of the few bars that had draft beer on tap. I love my fresh, cold beer in paradise!

So in short, if you want an active seating, opt for close poolside lounge chairs. Our daybed zone was quieter. If you are willing to pay up and be a VIP, go the private cabana route.

By that second infinity pool, there are more well spaced daybeds and also hammocks where you can relax or nap. 

We enjoyed spending two of our days at this pool. We capped it off on our way back to the main resort by talking an early evening walk out on that long dock to catch the sunset.

One day, by the ice cream Airstream truck, we had a Joe Giudice sighting! I did not gawk and take his picture. You will just have to trust me about this.

I certainly hope you enjoyed this tour and are now have insider knowledge of what we thought was the best pool at Baha Mar. Safe travels all!

In the hunt,

Pattie Jo
